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If you are a newcomer to re-sale, you might be surprised to find that choosing what to sell can sometimes cause unexpected anxiety. Emotional attachments or plans for a future wear can cause you to shut your closet before you've really unlocked its full value. How do you know when to let go of an item? Here are our five rules-of-thumb.

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Many people buy an item they think they like only to find that it sits in a closet gathering dust. Generally speaking, if you don’t wear something for six months or more, chances are you should sell it. Here is an easy trick to figure out what exactly is out of use: put the item on a hanger, but turn the hanger around so the opening faces you. If the hanger stays in that position for more than six months, you‘ll know it’s time to sell.

You may think twice about selling a vintage Replica Balenciaga Bags we get it. But, something that is an ever-green style (an Oxford shirt, a classic pump or Replica Balenciaga Bags or coat, to name a few) can be replaced without much effort. Once you get comfortable with the cyclical nature of re-sale, your sell choices will become more bold.

Those of you who have read anything by Marie Kondo know that we're huge fans here at Tradesy. This brilliant Japanese tidying guru encourages readers to figure out what to keep instead of what to discard. You do this by asking yourself the question: “does this item spark joy?” When you hold it, does it make you happy? If so, put it right back into your closet! If not, then it's time to pass it on to someone who will cherish it.

Maybe the itsy-bitsy Herve Leger dress represents a party-girl from the past. Cherish those memories, but be honest with yourself. If you look at an item of clothing and think am I still that person? chances are that you're ready to sell it Replica Hermes Purses.

Anyone who has had a baby knows that curves often change for the permanent. A woman's hips can become wider, breasts can become bigger, bodies can become heavier. Or, maybe you've gone through a period of significant weight loss. Whatever it is, it is best to embrace your changing curves. Try on a new style you might love it.  Let go of stuff you're holding on to in the hopes you'll lose weight and fit into it again (or vice versa). Maybe you will, maybe you won’t. One of the beauties of re-sale is that it encourages sellers to live in the moment. Your closet will eventually become an evolving, complex resource changing and growing just like you!