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Prada Replica Handbags - Hermes Replica Bags Sale

Ladies and gentlewomen, we present to you The Shopper, a limited-edition Prada Replica Handbags that marks the first and only collaboration between Christian Louboutin and LV. And it is totally, completely exquisite.

Prada Replica Handbags

The Shopper is part of the high-profile 2014 Monogram Collaboration Collection, in which superstar designers and influencers (including Frank Gehry, Cindy Sherman and Karl Lagerfeld, and Louboutin himself) collaborated with Prada Replica Handbags to create unique pieces using the brand’s legendary monogram. Louboutin, of course, covered this LV bag in blazing-red calf-hair, then added metal studs and a feminine bow.

One of the secrets of having memorable style is to add an unexpected twist to what is normally mundane. A pair of jeans with a crazy bag. A simple skirt with shiny shoes. Which is why Louboutins Sheer Mesh Crystal Strass Marale Bootie left us a little breathless. If ever there were an unexpected twist, this would be it.

Oh, leave it to Louboutin. His crystal-covered Prada Replica Handbags, booties, peep-toes and bags are some of his most glistening, infamous creations. But, this bootie is something more. Though it still has the crystalline punch of the others in the Strass family, the use of mesh netting makes the shoe look less like you should be on a cabaret stage and more.Hermes Replica Bags. In short: they are wearable. And, with its metallic finish, sheer quality, and hand-placed Swarovski crystals applied in the shape of flames, it is the kind of shoe that would make you a fashion icon if you paired it with pajamas.