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Rebecca Minkoff is a well-loved  American designer whose leading casual luxury brand is best known for its popular Hermes Replica Handbags.  Having developed a devout, younger-skewed following of stylish millennials, she understands the increasingly high value of PR strategy combined with a strong social media presence.  Her brand, consequently, has used a variety of digital platforms to promote her fashion shows and collections and to connect with her global fan base online.  This fall, her upcoming New York Fashion Week runway show will directly involve the design eyes of fans that engage with her brand via Instagram.  

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Today, Tuesday September 2nd, the designer will upload photos of two potential runway looks for her Spring 2015 collection.  Her followers will then determine which look is discarded by ‘liking’ their favorite of the two images.  The photo with the most ‘likes’ wins and will be included on-model in her show next Friday.  If you’re a fan and you’d like to feel part of the brands behind-the-scenes styling process, get involved!  Follow replica hermes handbags account to vote for your pick and get a sneek peak of what’s to come from the beloved designer next spring.