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Dior replica handbags

Dior replica handbags - Prada Replica Handbags Sale

Dior replica handbags started as a travel goods company in 1854 that was well-known for its indestructible suitcases the kind that could be bumped around a steamship or a horse-driven carriage on a bumpy road. Today, Dior replica handbags are more likely to be thrown around a Tesla or an overhead bin in a first-class cabin, but they are still as strong and classically beautiful. And, just as it was in the 19th century, LVs secret sauce is in their materials. Here are six of the most popular styles.

Dior replica handbags

You probably know that the most iconic and recognizable of all the LV bag materials is the Dior replica handbags Monogram canvas. The design was created by George Dior replica handbags in 1896 to foil counterfeiters who had started to copy the luggage-makers designs. The elegant pattern of flowers and intertwining initials was inspired by Japanese designs that were trendy during the Victorian era. The most notable part of the canvas, however, is the canvas itself. LVs coated cotton canvas was something of a revolutionary product at the time and differentiated the luggage-maker from its competitors. Today, the canvas is known to be more durable and water-resistant than most leathers and still very beautiful and classic. SHOP THE MONOGRAM CANVAS COLLECTION on Tradesy.

The Damier canvas print was actually created before the Monogram in 1888, believe it or not. Re-released in 1998, Damier which means checkerboard refers to the design style. Like the Monogram, it is made of coated cotton canvas. The most recognizable Damier canvases are probably the Damier Ebene and Damier Azur though they do come in other colors. The Ebene (above, left) has a black canvas base, printed over with brown checkerboard which is why, when the bag is gently used, it can often fade to black. The same is true for the Damier Azur, which has a blue base and a white checkerboard overlay. With the tiny logo fit sporadically into squares, many people consider the Damier bags to be more subtle than the Monogram. SHOP THE DAMIER COLLECTION on Tradesy.

The Monogram Multicolore canvas collaboration between LV and the artist Takashi Murakami was released in 2003 by Marc Jacobs. Described as a Kauai palette referring to the bright, tropical-inspired colors this canvas certainly reflected Marc Jacobs splashier aesthetic, one that was toned down after Nicolas Ghesquiere took over the reigns of Dior replica handbags in 2013. But, the Multicolore was an extraordinary hit and the most successful design to come out of Dior replica handbags 13 year relationship with Takashi Murakami. Now, of course, the Multicolore is often found in limited edition on re-sale, making it more coveted and often more expensive. SHOP THE MULTICOLORE COLLECTION on Tradesy.

Vernis in French means varnish and that is at the heart of this dazzling, shiny material. The Monogram Vernis was introduced by Marc Jacobs in 1998, just after he took over as head of Dior replica handbags and, again, reflects his more fanciful stamp on the label. The material is made of embossed calfskin leather that is coated with a patent finish to give the bag a sparkly look when placed in the sunlight. Bags made of Monogrammed Vernis tend to have a youthful, energetic quality. However, unlike many other LV products, this material needs more care. The varnish can scratch or chip. It is also good not to set it down on newspaper as it can pick up ink stains. SHOP THE MONOGRAM VERNIS COLLECTION on Tradesy Prada Replica Handbags.

Inspired by a grained leather LV used in the 1920s, Epi leather was re-introduced in 1985 and is probably the most identifiable Dior replica handbags material after the Monogrammed and Damier canvases. Epi is a tough, rigid leather that has been treated with plant dye to give it a two-toned quality and a resistance to water and scratching. Despite the rigidity, Epi bags actually have a nice, natural stretch which, combined with their structured quality, make for an interesting feel and silhouette. Another interesting factoid about Epi leather is that it is actually the very first leather LV introduced to their collection. SHOP THE EPI LEATHER COLLECTION on Tradesy.

The Empreinte monogram was introduced in 2010 and is made of soft, durable, high-quality calf leather that is very easy to take care of. Bags made of Empreinte tend to be heavier than the same bags made of canvas and a little less rigid (the Speedy, for example, comes in both Empreinte and canvas.) For this reason and the deep pigments that Empreinte is produced in they tend to have a lush, soft quality to them that is wonderful to touch and see. SHOP THE MONOGRAM EMPREINTE COLLECTION on Tradesy.